An examination on the word of b1 level Turkish reading texts

  • Erzhan PETEK - PhD, Tokat Gaziosmanpasha University Erbaa Faculty Of Social And Humanities Department Of Turkish Language And Literature, Tokat/Turkish Republic.


Abstract. Language and culture are inseparable like meat and nails. Language teaching is not only teaching words or grammar, but also the culture in which that language develops. Reading texts in language teaching books have a special importance in order to ensure cultural transfer. In this study, an evaluation was made on the vocabulary in reading texts in B1 level Turkish books. In addition, this study was prepared to determine the frequency of use of words in Yedi İklim Turkish, Istanbul Turkish for Foreigners and Yesevi Turkish B1 level, which were prepared as the main source in teaching Turkish as a foreign language with the "Zemberek" analysis method, and how often which types of words were used.