Requirements for Articles

1. The first line - UDC (10 pt, left alignment).

2. On the next line (alignment in the middle) - title of the article (11 pt, bold capital letters).

3. On the third line - the surname, name and patronymic of the authors (11 pt, capital letters in bold italic).

4. In a line should be an abstract in the language of the article (2-3 sentences: 10 pt, italic).

5. The text of Article in 11 dialed pins.

6. References recruited strictly on demand (10 pt, italic, for example, 1. Sadokhin A.P. Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2004. - 271 p.

7. At the end of a line of text - for articles in the Kazakh language is the surname, name and patronymic of the authors (11 pt italic capital letters, aligned to the middle) on the next line - the name of the article (12 pt uppercase), and then a line - Summary (150-200 words) on the next line - key words (5-10 words) in Russian. Abstract (150-200 words), key words - 10 pt italic.

For articles in Russian given name, name of the author (11 pt uppercase italics). On the next line - the name of the article (11 pt uppercase). Then, in a line – annotation  (150-200 words) on the next line – keywords  (5-10 words) in the Kazakh language. Abstract 150-200 words, key words - 10 pt italic.

Then, to articles written in the Kazakh and Russian languages typed abstract (150-200 words) and keywords (5-10 words) in English.

For articles, writing in English, given the title of article (10 pt uppercase italics) on the next line - full name of the author, in a line - abstract (150-200 words) on the next line - keywords (5-10 words) beginning in Kazakh, then in Russian.

8.Are given information about the author (s) in hard copy and electronic version: the article title, first name and patronymic of the author (in full), academic degree, place of work in the Kazakh, Russian and English (for the sections "Our writers 'and' Content ").